The Color Selector project has been OpenSourced. My former hosting provider, Hypermart, is discontinuing their free hosting service, so to prevent the loss of Color Selector, I have moved it to SourceForge. My website (KOY Software) will no longer be available after February 25th, 2004. This is the new Color Selector web site. The Color Selector project page is
Color Selector 2.01 is a freeware program that has many features for selecting and converting color formats; it also has an color picker tool that will get the color of any pixel on the screen and a palette tool that allows you to view, modify and save palettes in a variety of formats. If you have any questions or would like to submit a suggestion, please email me.
Features: | |
Download Color Selector 2.01 (65.8KB)
Supports 95/98/ME/XP and NT4/2000
Requirements: Visual Basic 6.0 Runtime Files
(You may not need these files, especially if you are running Windows XP or higher, so you might want to try running Color Selector first. If you receive any errors about missing DLLs or OCXs, download and install the above files.)
Source Code
The source code for Color Selector 2.01 is now available on SourceForge!
Color Selector 1.0 (30.3KB)
How it all began. Version 2.0 is much more powerful and only somewhat larger, so you should only get this if you are curious how the first version looked.